Friday, August 6, 2010


Vice Chair Bob Wild and FQNR Secretary Brenda have been busy throughout the summer filling in forms left right and Centre applying for funding to help improve the Queslett Nature Reserve.
The time consuming bureaucracy involved just has to be seen to believed.
The FOQNR are still waiting for a reply from most of the organisations approached but the Oscott Ward Committee have agreed £300 from their community chest should be given to the FOQNR and for that we are very grateful as it will help us run on through the summer.

If you would like to donate or have any ideas who the FQNR may approach for funding please email Brenda on


The Queslett Nature Reserve is a lovely place and especially so at this time of year.One of its draw backs at the moment however is it is difficult for some wheel chair users to get through the gates at the Ashworth Road entrance to the reserve.
The current gates were put in as they are to try and put off motor bikes as these are not suitable on the reserve and can be very dangerous to those who visit the reserve.
I am currently working with the Oscott Disability Group and other disabled residents to try and find a solution to this problem. At the moment the current gates are to be modified to allow easier access for wheel chair users. However I am trying to get the Council to do more to help to find funding, in order to have more suitable gates put in, with a hard standing and a disabled drop curb near by.
Although clearly money is very tight at the moment I feel this gate should be changed as it would also help encourage schools with disabled pupils in wheel chairs and give them a better opportunity to visit the site if they so wish. Along with the Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve I am working to improve access for all to the reserve.

Councillor Keith Linnecor