Monday, January 31, 2011

Keep off frozen lakes

Every year we hear about people walking on frozen lakes (or letting their dogs walk on frozen lakes). This is very dangerous as freezing water can kill even the best swimmers if they fall through the ice on a lake.
The Queslett Nature Reserve has a lake and every time it freezes foot marKs are seen on it. The message from the Birmingham City Council Leisure Services Department and the FQNR is please do not be tempted to walk on this lake when it is frozen

Litter pick up date

The Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve held another successful litter pick on Saturday. Over 20 black bags of rubbish were removed from the site.
Members also joined with the Police and member of the N.P.I, to ask users of the reserve if they new anything about the resent attack on a dog and its owner in the reserve.

On the down side it has been noticed that some dog owners instead of taking their dogs mess home with them are getting it up with plastic bags and throwing the mess in the bags into near by bushes. The bags obviously do not bio degrade so this habit is making the situation worse. Dog owner please clean up after your dogs and take it away with you.

The FQNR are calling on the Council to provide more litter bins in the area.

If you would like to become a member of the FQNR please ring 360 6486 but please be prepared to roll up your sleaves and help out. on the reserve.

Friday, January 21, 2011


There has been a vicious attack on a dog and its owner while they were in the Queslett Nature Reserve recently.The dogs in question, one a white English bull terrier type and the other a multi coloured Bull or pit terrier, severely bit a dog and its owner as they were walking in the reserve.
This has resulted in the owner having to pay over one thousand pounds in vet bills and his dog is still in agony.

The owners of the dogs which attacked were both young white men one with light ginger hair? are believed to use the surrounding area regularly. The FOQNR would ask anyone with information to contact the police on 0345 113 5000.
There was apparently no attempt by the dog owners to stop the attack. Please take care when using the reserve, these sort of attacks must be stopped and owners made to be responsible for their dogs.
The Police are continuing to investigate this attack and they are also taking statements.
There may have been a less severe but similar incident a few weeks ago on the Beeches estate?.
Similar youths and dogs have been seen near the chip shop on the Beeches Estate so they may be local.
The owner of the attacked dog who was also bitten him self, does not wish to be named as is very distressed about his dog. Please help spot these dogs and report them to the Police.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


There will be a litter pick taking place at the Queslett Nature Reserve on Saturday 29th January.
Those who are interested in helping the wild life in the reserve and the environment should meet up at the Ashworth Road Entrance. (please do not park too close to the entrance and respect local residents parking). We would suggest you consider parking in Booths Lane and walk to the Ashworth entrance.
We will be meeting at 11.45am; please come prepared to roll your sleeves up and get dirty. We are looking to clean up any build up of litter following the festive season.
Children are welcome but must be under the supervision of an adult at all times.

Be prepared for the weather.Black bags and litter pickers will be issued but if you have your own please bring them.For further information please ring 360 6486

Councillor Keith Linnecor

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There has been an ongoing problem of fly tipping in Booths Lane. But it is thanks to the diligence of the Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve and the local Environmental team we have been able to reduce this anti social behavior.

It has also saddened me that some antisocial residents have took advantage of the recent Industrial dispute and bad weather recently to dump rubbish in the area.
If any one sees rubbish being dumped in the reserve or near by they should report it. Please try and make note of any registrations or descriptions.
Those of us who love to visit the reserve and enjoy its wild life need to be observant and not to hesitate to report such act of anti social behavior.


Secretary FOQNR

Monday, January 17, 2011


We are back posting after a bit of a gap for the festive season.
First of all may the FQNR executive wish every one a Happy new Year.