Thursday, February 24, 2011


There will be a light pruning / litter pick session on Saturday 12th March at the Queslett Nature Reserve.

Members and supporters will be meeting at 11.30 am at the Ashworth Road entrance (we ask those coming along not to park to close to the entrance and would advise you park in Booths Lane.)

Pruning work will be under the instruction of a parks Ranger but please take great care at all times . Tools will be provided.
I would recommend you bring along gardening gloves and also be prepared for the weather.

There will be litter picking for those who would prefer to do that. We can supply litter pickers but if you have your own please bring them along.

If you can make please ring 360 6486 and let me know if possible.
Children are welcome but must be under the supervision of an adult.


Councillor Keith Linnecor
Chair FQNR

Friday, February 18, 2011


The owners of the dogs which attacked a reserve user and his dog a few weeks ago have still not been caught. We not aware of any new sightings of them or their dogs on the reserve but if you have any information about what happened please contact the Police.

The owners of the dogs which attacked were both young white men one with light ginger hair? are believed to use the surrounding area regularly. The FOQNR would ask anyone with information to contact the police on 0345 113 5000.There was apparently no attempt by the dog owners to stop the attack. Please take care when using the reserve, these sort of attacks must be stopped and owners made to be responsible for their dogs.


It has been a trying time recently for those who appreciate the Queslett Nature Reserve. We have heard about the vicious attack on a user of the reserves dog by other dogs allowed to get out of control and we have also sadly had some of the reserves wooden fencing stolen.
The Police do patrol the reserve but it is a large reserve and they can not be there all the time.
With this in mind we ask FQNR members to be the eyes and ears of the reserve.

While you should never put your self into any form of risk situation and have no additional authority you can help by reporting anything suspicious you may see taking place on the reserve (or the Aldridge Recreation Ground) to the Police or Council Authorities.


I think the Queslett Nature Reserve looks so much tidier than it used to do. The paths are much easier to negotiate since the friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve started to help prune them back. This is so important for disabled or elderly users of the reserve.
The one issue i would raise however is the dog mess. While I am pleased to see there are notices reminding dog users of the problem some of them seem oblivious to them. I would certainly like to see more bins provided on the site as i think this may help the situation.
As I say though the friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve are doing a great job.

P. Cooke


Although membership of the Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve remains free we are still on the look out for any donations any one would like to make. Any money raised will go to keeping the FQNR going and the upkeep of the reserve.
For details please Email Brenda

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Audacious thieves have struck at the Queslett Nature Reserve stealing over one thousand pounds worth of wooden boundary fencing. The fence along the Booths Lane boundary of the reserve was surgically removed late yesterday afternoon or early evening. 7 large wood fence panels of a cross timber nature were stolen.This theft would not have been a easy take. The wooden post were cut through by mechanical means and the wight of these fence section would have been considerable.The Police and Leisure Service department are baffled but doing their best to find the culprits.I believe my self, the fencing was stolen to order and is now probably now on a farm or a similar piece of land.The Police are appealing for witnesses and given the location there are probably a number of people who would have seen this theft happening without realising it. If you have any information please contact the Police.The fence will have to be replaced but finding the funds will not be easy. It took a few years to find the funding last time and I will do my best to get the ball rolling. The fence is needed to stop motor bikes and Quad bikes entering the reserve and putting the reserves users, lives in danger as well as disturbing the wild life. The fence is also a defined boundary for the reserve.I know I can speak for the friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve and many residents when I say the people who stole this are disgusting and need to be caught.

Councillor Keith Linnecor
Chair FQNR