The Aldridge Road Recreation Ground is to have new gates fitted to its Shady Lane entrance. Other improvements to the site will be an extra barriers at the Randwick Grove entrance (This is to help stop motor bikes using this entrance which can be very dangerous) and the path between Shady Lane and Randwick Grove is to be upgraded. (re Tar maced*) .
*This is itended to help those using the recreation ground in particular disabled users in wheel chairs or mothers with push chairs and so on, to cross it without having to face the hazard of ruts and large puddles.
It is good to see the Councils Leisure Services department are funding improvements to some of the open spaces in the Oscott area as well as other areas in the city. The FOQNR have been campaigning for this for some time.
This funding is not new but part of their existing city wide strategic infrastructure allowance used to keep our open spaces in good condition.
The FOQNR which incorporates the Aldridge Road Recreation ground will be battling to get even more of the Cities Leisure Services resources spent in the area as there are many other things which need to be done and it is time we had our fair share of any funding available.
*This is itended to help those using the recreation ground in particular disabled users in wheel chairs or mothers with push chairs and so on, to cross it without having to face the hazard of ruts and large puddles.
It is good to see the Councils Leisure Services department are funding improvements to some of the open spaces in the Oscott area as well as other areas in the city. The FOQNR have been campaigning for this for some time.
This funding is not new but part of their existing city wide strategic infrastructure allowance used to keep our open spaces in good condition.
The FOQNR which incorporates the Aldridge Road Recreation ground will be battling to get even more of the Cities Leisure Services resources spent in the area as there are many other things which need to be done and it is time we had our fair share of any funding available.