Well what a day the Friends off the Queslett Road Nature Reserve Activity day turned out to be!!approximately 40 people turned up to help clean up the reserve and prune back undergrowth amongst other things.Amongst the helpers were members of the Friends of the Qeuslett Nature Reserve, a team of Army Cadets and local youngsters. Khalid Mahmood MP also came along to give his encouragement.Dr Stephen Bodnar Birmingham Cities Bio Diversity officer (Who has appeared on Nature Watch) was there to supervise some much needed tree clearance work which when completed should improve the wild life in the reserve and improve the condition of the lake.A team from the Barrows Lane Army Cadets under the supervision of local man Bob Turner worked tirelessly along with members of the FOQNR to tidy up the reserve.Dozens of old shopping trolleys were removed as well as old bikes,plastic rubbish and all sorts of litter.A large number of lif safety rings were also taken out of the lake As Chair of the FOQNR I would just like to thank all those involved and I am sure in year to come the Reserve will really see the benefit.It was also very pleasing to see so many youngster prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.
Councillor Keith Linnecor
Councillor Keith Linnecor
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